Akshay Kumar commenced shooting for the psychological thriller, Cinderella, on August 20 in London. We have now learnt that there is no stopping the Khiladi as he gears up for a brief second schedule of the Aanand L Rai directed Raksha Bandhan from September 10, a day after his birthday, in Delhi. The actor had previously described it as the most special film of his career.
“It’s a brief schedule at real locations of Delhi. Apart from Akshay, the leading lady of Raksha Bandhan, Bhumi Pednekar too will be a part of this schedule. The duo will be joined by Sahejmeen Kaur, Deepika Khanna, Sadia Khateeb and Smrithi Srikanth, who play Kumar’s sisters in the film. Aanand L Rai has already concluded his recce and is all geared up for shooting at real locations with the team,” revealed a source close to the development.
The team had earlier shot the film in June at a studio in Mumbai, where an entire city was recreated. “There will be another brief schedule of Raksha Bandhan after the Delhi shoot. The dates are being worked out,” the source informed, adding further that after Raksha Bandhan, Akshay might again move to the Ranjit Tewari directorial to complete the remaining portions. The details on how he plans to celebrate his birthday on September 9 is still awaited.
Raksha Bandhan is jointly written by Rai’s frequent collaborator Himanshu Sharma and Kanika Dhillon. It stars Akshay Kumar and Bhumi Pednekar in lead roles and revolves around the love, bonding and attachment between a brother and his sisters. Raksha Bandhan is Rai’s second collaboration with Akshay Kumar after his musical romantic drama Atrangi Re which also stars Dhanush and Sara Ali Khan. Interestingly, Akshay and Anand had shot in Delhi for Atrangi Re too in December last year. "But the texture, color palette and representation of Delhi in Raksha Bandhan will be completely different from Atrangi Re. It's a charismatic city, which has different facets to it's personality."
Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for more updates on Raksha Bandhan, Akshay Kumar, Bhumi Pednekar and Aanand L Rai.